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We can help you to hire  the talent you need with the maximum efectiveness

How to use the solution step-by-step

Selection process Is This Job 4me  - Business:  


Before going through the different process steps, we present you a brief introduction to the application. This app is designed to offer estimates on how well each candidate's CV matches a job offer. The app works if the candidate's curriculum is updated to the offers, they are interested in, that is, it is aimed at both updated CV formats and LinkedIn-style professional profiles to improve your professional opportunities. 

The selection process is as follows:


1. Register the company to the application. 


2. Define a complete job description and input it into the platform with the desired profile for your company. 


3. Input validation questions for the CV in Is This Job 4me. 

Create questions related to the job description. The creation of different types of questions follows the following criteria: 

• Killer: Those that are essential for the position. 
• Important: Those that determine a better fit of each candidate to the position (technical experience, functional experience, value added to the company, management model, etc.). 
• Normal: Those questions that are common to analyze the candidate's employability. 


The weight of the killer + important questions must sum up to 100. 
The weight of the normal questions must sum up to 100. 
A percentage is applied to the total weight of the killer + important questions to reinforce their importance over the total questions (usually 60 or 70%).  
A percentage is applied to the total weight of the normal questions to reinforce their importance over the total questions (usually 30 or 40%). 
Each question can have a different weight based on its relevance for the selection (for example, if knowledge of a sector is very important for the selection, this question may be worth more than the rest). 
Answer the killer and important questions based on the analysis of the candidates and determine their fit for the job. 
Type of response: Yes/No to indicate if the candidate meets the requirements of the question. 
All of the above applies equally to the questions in the interview phase. 
4. The company determines the sources to find candidates (advertisement, LinkedIn, website, Infojobs, networking, database, etc.) 
5. We start collecting or identifying CVs 
6. The resumes that arrive are validated with the questions in the application. 
7. Candidates who are above 50% are considered valid for the next phase of the process. 
8. Determine interview questions (under the same criteria discussed in point 3). 
9. Determine "the job explanation, the company, and opportunities for the candidate". 
10. Conduct the interviews by answering the questions in the application for each candidate. 
11. Candidates who score above 50% are considered valid to present to the client."



Selection Process - IsThisJob4me - Business

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